in the course of human events, it becomes necessary… to interact with other
humans. Sometimes these interactions are impossible, with no compromise
position that will satisfy both sides. When this happens, we have war –
sometimes literal, sometimes legal, sometimes just verbal – and the chips fall where
they may.
for the most part, we deal with each other with a win-win mentality – you have
something I need, I have something you need, and we figure out how to perform
an exchange that makes us both happy, or the exchange doesn’t occur.
beings are able to look backward and forward in time – we plan for the future,
and use our past experiences to help us to determine the most likely path to
get us where we want to go.
the path to work out, for our hopes for the future to be realized, we count on
a certain amount of stability in our world. Gravity will work. The sun will
come out tomorrow. The earth won’t dissolve. People will keep their word.
believe the majority of people function under enlightened self-interest. We
work towards improving our own individual lot, but we understand that the best
way to do that is to do cooperate with others and do them no harm. We enter
into mutually beneficial contracts of all sorts - formal or otherwise - with
others as we move forward pursuing our hopes for the future.
stealing of hope is a certain kind of EVIL. It doesn’t just stay in the moment
– it affects a person’s ability to continue on toward a better future. It’s
hard to plan when the ground under you keeps moving. It’s hard to look ahead
when you’re not sure of anything. People who flail around grabbing what they
want - not caring who they hurt in the process - destroy the faith of good
people in each other, and make it that much harder to hope for a better future.
are selfish, totally self-involved people in this world, who are unable to
function on any level other than what’s in it for them. Their ability to feel
anything for others is non-existent. Sometimes it takes a while to spot them –
you have to watch for the wake of destruction they leave behind them. In our
modern day society, we refer to these people as socio-paths, or we ascribe some
other mental-illness condition to them. They may be, but what they also are is
have been dealing with the effects of one of these recently. Sometimes it looks
like the bad guys are winning, but I believe that - if not in the here and now
- these people will get their comeuppance. Eventually we all get what we
William Mangieri’s writing (including his latest
ePublication: “Dempsey’s Debut”) can be found in many places, such as:
- His
Amazon Author page: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B008O8CBDY
- Barnes
& Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/william-mangieri?store=book&keyword=william+mangieri
- Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/NoTimeToThink
- Createspace: https://www.createspace.com/pub/simplesitesearch.search.do?sitesearch_query=william+mangieri&sitesearch_type=STORE
Connect with him on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/NoTimeToThink
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