Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Inhuman Sacrifice

The public school our son was in was failing in its job at our son’s expense; “stick with us”, they’d say, help us make our school better. Does it make sense for your child to lose EVEN ONE PRECIOUS YEAR of his limited dozen years of primary education? Why, when there were better ways and better schools instantly available? Why would you do that to your children, except for the greater good?


We aren’t ants, yet EVEN ants will fight to protect their young (I watched enough colonies in my misspent youth to see this. Of course, I also watched invading colonies steal a children as well – obviously the young are a VERY VALUABLE COMMODITY.)

We (a broad group that I appear to hold a minority stake in) have chosen to make a sacrifice. I’m not talking about the kind of sacrifice people make of themselves through perseverance and determination for a cause – there’s nobility in that. I’m talking about the ignoble decision to sacrifice others to a cause not of their choosing. This is what caused the colonies (Americans, not ants) to break with Britain – the imposition of burdens without recourse.

We Humans distinguish ourselves from the other beasts (in part) by our awareness of our past, our future, and our mortality, and naturally leads us to place a high value on our legacy. We are wired to protect that legacy, and our legacy is our children. How has that wiring been unraveled in this country?
I will mention here a growing tendency in this country to have little or no empathy for others (no matter how you feel about the abortion issue, I don’t see how anyone can argue that forty-plus years of legalization of infanticide hasn’t contributed to a callousness toward the lives of others, a sense of self-centeredness, a willingness to SACRIFICE OTHERS for our own convenience, as well as a slew of other senseless killings, fatal hit-and-runs, car-jackings, etc.); this disregard has attached itself across the spectrum of OTHERS, including those we should be most invested in protecting (NOT YOU, YOUR DESCENDENTS.)

It is shameful to refuse to deal with the discomfort of periodic economic adjustments, and instead of making the hard choices necessary, keep our toys and saddle our children with OUR debts (and our grandchildren, too, which means we won’t even leave OUR CHILDREN that option – they’ll have to reach a couple more generations ahead to equal our cowardice.)
We’re mortgaging their future – depriving them of the God-given freedoms that our founders sought to protect. What gives US the right to take away what’s theirs?

It’s one thing to chain yourself to a wagon of YOUR OWN CHOOSING – it’s another to chain your children – or anyone else – to a wagon of they had NOTHING to do with (if you literally did chain your kids like that, how fast would you be put in prison?)
Grow up, folks, and stop this INHUMAN SACRIFICE. Clean up your own mess; don’t leave it for your children.
Just saying….

William Mangieri’s writing (including his latest ePublication “Broken Down: Detective Jimmy Delaney Collection #1”) can be found in many places, such as:
·         His Amazon Author page: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B008O8CBDY
Createspace: https://www.createspace.com/pub/simplesitesearch.search.do?sitesearch_query=william+mangieri&sitesearch_type=STORE

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