Monday, May 25, 2015

What Were They Thinking? (and This Week’s Coupon)

We like to make fun of that poor kid with his tongue stuck to the frozen flagpole. Why would ANYONE do anything like that? What were they thinking?
Our world is a complex place. If you look around, you see all sorts of things that might make you wonder:
Who thought to mash up grain, and mix it with stuff, and heat it until it became bread?
Who figured out how to eat a puffer fish? How many people did they see die first?
What would make someone slap together some wood and cloth, climb aboard and try to make it fly?
Why would someone try to cure disease with leeches? Or bread mold?
Man is a curious creature, and we like a challenge. Why do we climb mountains? Because they are there (and if someone doesn’t dare us, we dare ourselves.)
I’m afraid we’re killing our curiosity and our spirit of adventure. We grew up drinking out of the garden hose, but we’re afraid to let our kids do it. We try to secure them in bubble wrap, and I can’t help but think that they pick up on our fears for them, and each generation becomes that much less sure of themselves.
We’ve also become horribly averse to making mistakes, but that’s how we learn. Sure, you don‘t want your child to burn their hand on a hot stove, but sometimes they just have to do it to grow into the kind of people that mankind needs.
“No, Orville! You keep that contraption on the ground or you’ll get hurt!”
“Neil, don’t you DARE go to the moon! You won’t be able to breathe up there!”
“We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.”– President John F. Kennedy
When I was twelve I watched Neil make that “one small step” onto the moon, and I was sure that it would be another small step for us to get to Mars. On July 20th we’ll celebrate the 46th anniversary of those first steps, and we’re still all trapped on this 3rd rock from the sun.
Where are the leaders to get us there? Who has the vision? Where is the sense of adventure?
When’s the last time you did something that made people say: “What were you thinking?”
Just saying…
This week, “The Unreliability of the Mature Mind” is our couponed feature (Dimentia as a defense mechanism against aliens… where does he come up with these ideas?) Here’s the link:
Use coupon code VR93U to save 50% off the list price at check out at smashwords. The coupon will be good through Monday, June 1st. Enjoy!
COMING JUNE 5TH – William’s 5th OUT OF MY MIND short story collection – stay tuned…
William Mangieri’s writing (including his latest ePublication: “#InWhoseReality?”) can be found in many places, such as:
Connect with him (and LIKE and FOLLOW) “William Mangieri’s Writing Page” on facebook, at:

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