Monday, February 10, 2014

Give Up! Surrender

That’s the message we get from liberals. Excuse me – PROGRESSIVES.
·         It’s too complicated to improve your own lot in life; SURRENDER and we’ll give you FOOD STAMPS.
·         All those choices can be confusing; SURRENDER and let US make your decisions for you.
·         Freedom and Liberty are wonderful concepts, but they are really hard to live by; SURRENDER yours and we’ll take care of you.
·         It isn’t fair that anyone should have to WORK for a living; SURRENDER your ambition and you can have welfare.
·         Getting old is a burden; SURRENDER your right to decide your own HEALTHCARE and we’ll give you a pill. For FREE!
·         Don’t fight us or disagree with us; SURRENDER to us or we’ll sick the IRS on you.
·         Why should you have to do without? SURRENDER your children’s future to our MASSIVE DEBT and we’ll let you have some of their money.
·         It’s impossible to stop terrorist regimes from getting Weapons of Mass Destruction (besides, what right do we have?); it’s easier to JUST SURRENDER.
Conservatives should have a different message – it’s about PERSERVERANCE. It’s been the AMERICAN WAY since its founding, and what’s made this country the greatest the world has ever seen.
·         You CAN improve your lot in life; work hard and we’ll get out of your way.
·         You have a right to make your own decisions; if you make a mistake, get back up and try again.
·         Freedom and Liberty are what give you opportunity; we don’t want to take yours from you.
·         WORK is what you do with your own time and energy, and you deserve the fruits of that effort.
·         You have a right to make your own healthcare decisions without a bureaucrat telling you what you can or CAN’T do.
·         You have a right to your opinion; we will use the government to uphold that right EVEN IF YOU DISAGREE WITH US.
·         It is immoral to cripple our children’s future to prevent our own financial discomfort; we WILL NOT SPEND THIS COUNTRY INTO OBLIVION.
·         One of the few legitimate duties of the government is to protect its citizens from those who would do it harm – we have EVERY RIGHT to protect ourselves; WE WILL NOT SURRENDER.
Conservatives need to pound this message home. Government isn’t the solution – it skims off the top and produces nothing while demonizing and shackling the true producers.
It’s time to stand up. You think life isn’t fair? You’re right, Virginia, but no man can make it otherwise. Get over it – dig in and do your part – you’ll be better for it. We all will.

In a Flash, my first Jimmy Delaney story, will be FREE on Smashwords for another three weeks – here’s the smashwords link: 
Check it out! Give it a read, and then rate and review it, and tell your friends. Thanx!


William Mangieri’s writing can be found in many places, including:
·         His Amazon Author page:

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