stand in my browning, weed-infested yard and glare across the street at my
neighbor’s vibrant green, perfectly manicured lawn. That’s not fair! Why is the
grass always greener on the other side?
those of you who didn’t realize it, this is not the reality of the situation –
this is an expression about our attitudes and perceptions. It’s not that things
are always better for others – it’s about the unhappiness (and other dangers)
that come from wanting what others have instead of focusing on your own
blessings (your stuff, for those of you offended by theistic references.)
the Lufthansa copilot another one who just thought he wasn’t happy, so he was
going to take everyone down with him? Bringing everyone else down doesn’t raise
you. It also shows a selfish disregard for others.
Newtown. Boston. Columbine.
not guns, or knives, or airplanes that kill – it’s people. Selfish,
self-centered, inconsiderate, empathically challenged sociopaths, who really
just need the slightest excuse to rain their own special brand of hell on
everyone else.
didn’t get the toy I wanted. I don’t like what you said. I don’t have enough
money. I’m not famous. I didn’t win. I don’t like the way you looked at me. Why
do you have more friends than I do? The world’s not fair!
the world isn’t “fair”, if what we mean is everyone gets the same equality of
outcome. It was never meant to be that way.
will argue that this is mental illness we’re dealing with. Maybe, but I believe
that even the majority of mentally ill people still operate within certain
societal parameters. You might be suicidal, but that suicide doesn’t have to
morph into the inconsiderate homicide of others. Unless the underpinning morals
and the ability to feel the pain of others have been removed – then, all the
perpetrators see and care about is what it does to themselves when they crash.
think we’re dealing with an epidemic of selfishness. Aside from the more
shocking examples of mass killings that grip the headlines, we have the more
mundane. People use the government to get themselves “free stuff” by stealing
it from their neighbors in the present, and their own children and
grandchildren in the future.
has this happened? We may never know, but as a society we have worked hard to
reduce the impact of religion and faith from the public square (which is where
most of our morals come from – you don’t have to be a believer to reap the
benefits of a moral society.) We have focused on the individual as the center
of his own universe and thus the keeper of his own rules for right and wrong.
We’ve proclaimed that it’s okay to kill our babies if they are deemed an
inconvenience. We place such a value on the almighty EGO and its “right” to not
be offended that we can’t have standards, or open competition, or an honest
get me wrong – a certain amount of selfishness is necessary for everyone –
otherwise an individual would starve (literally and figuratively.) But as with
everything else, the danger is in taking things to extremes – we each need to
give at least some portion of our thoughts to others, instead of making it ALL
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William Mangieri’s writing can be found in
many places, such as:
- His Amazon Author page: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B008O8CBDY
- Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/william-mangieri?store=book&keyword=william+mangieri
- Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/NoTimeToThink
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at: http://www.facebook.com/NoTimeToThink
Or on his goodreads author page: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6893616.William_Mangieri