In one reality, you have the Confiscators. Here, wealth is not created – it never grows. There is a finite amount of it, as though it is a single pie. If a person, or a country is wealthy, they’ve stolen it and don’t deserve to keep it.
If anyone wants to get more pie, it can only happen if they take it from someone else – either by stealing it themselves, or by getting someone else to steal it for them. Someone like the government.
The government doesn’t create wealth – it REDISTRIBUTES it. It takes from the producers and gives to… whoever it feels like (including itself – that’s where they take out their “overhead.) People who have no interest in producing (because they have no belief in their own ability to create wealth), live lives of envy – they consider themselves the “have-nots”; because they can’t imagine wealth creation, they resent the “haves”, who could have only gotten that way by stealing pie from someone else.
People tend to assume that others would behave the same as themselves. If you think that the only way YOU can gain wealth is to steal, then the only way someone has more than you is because they stole it. Why not just sit on your backside and collect “free” money that’s been taken from others, Why not? If you don’t believe that more can be created, why bother trying? Especially when you’ve been incentivized by the system.
In the other reality, you have the Creationists - people who believe they can create wealth, that they can actually “grow the pie”. When they see someone who has wealth, they try to figure out how they can copy them and create some for themselves. They use their time and treasure and ideas and find ways to provide goods and services that consumers want, and create jobs and negotiate for services from others that help others so that they gain wealth, too. The more they create, the more there is for everyone. A rising tide raises all boats.
An advanced country can find ways to use an undeveloped country’s resources that the poorer country can’t, and improves the quality of life of the poorer one in the process. If you believe in wealth creation, you want EVERYONE to do well, because this increases your customer base.
Where is the truth? Can wealth be created?
Let’s play “Let’s Make a Deal”. You get to pick what’s behind one of two doors. Behind door number one is 680g of raw materials – metals, chemicals, and the like. Behind door number two is an original, first generation iPad. Which do you choose?
Whether you’re a Confiscator or a Creationist, you’re bound to pick the iPad – I think we can all agree that the raw materials have been made more valuable by transforming them into a machine. WEALTH HAS BEEN CREATED.
Look around you. See the buildings? The vehicles? The jewelry? Think of all that’s been created over the history of mankind, to get us to where we are – a far cry from what the Cro-Magnons could go out and gather. Look at ALL THE WEALTH!
In the 2012 election, I thought our side made a decent argument about how the OCCUPIER OF THE WHITEHOUSE and his party was committing generational theft – forcing our children and grandchildren into a debt they would never be able to get out from under. How did we get to the point where half our citizens (or whoever it is that’s voting in our elections) DON’T CARE WHAT HAPPENS TO THEIR COUNTRY OR THEIR NEIGHBORS, LET ALONE TO THEIR OWN CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN, as long as they can have “free stuff.” They’ve lost their moral compass, as well as their faith in themselves, and would rather sentence themselves and successive generations to poverty instead of lifting a finger to improve their lives?
The pie is always growing unless something stifles it – until something makes people stop believing that it can be better for everyone. Something that inspires envy and distrust, like a divisive, overbearing, power-hungry government. A government that’s making more and more of us feel hopeless, like there’s no point in fighting it.
Don’t give in! Don’t let it do this to our country. Don’t sit back and turn your children into slaves. GET OFF YOUR BUTTS and create something instead of taking what isn’t yours. Stop being an accessory. Get some pride and self-reliance, and make your own life better in the process.
Just saying.